“Happiness is the ultimate end and purpose of Human existence” (Aristotle). Since the 1990s, the science of human engagement and happiness started taking a sharp turn, from being a theoretical psychology science into a pragmatic organizational performance science. We have seen a huge rise of jobs under “Engagement” titles (Engagement officers, …etc) and lately the […]
The Search for Happiness
Are you an individual who is disappointed in others? Do you feel betrayed from colleagues at work / mates in life? Do you think you deserve better people around you? This is a true short-version story of “Adam”, someone I knew closely, and the lessons learnt might help you get over your feelings now, and […]
The Bitcoin race.. myths and reality https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bitcoin-race-myths-reality-dr-tamer-f-elewa Almost every day I hear about people who are investing, or interested to invest in the new financial fashion, Bitcoin. I wanted to draw a logical discussion into the topic and here are some solid facts to consider: 1. Fact 1: Is it really a currency? The definition […]
Escaping the digital world https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/escaping-digital-world-dr-tamer-f-elewa With relationships today turning more and more “Digital”, increasing the dependence on “Social” networks, and using more of digital, rather than face-to-face communication, is the world getting any better? When emotions are being digitised into “Emoticons” and people tend more to see the yellow bubble with a smile than a […]
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/truth-work-values-dr.-tamer-f.-elewa Modern organisations today try to stand out against competition by being more “Green” and “Ethical” in every aspect. Leaders today speak about the importance of employees (rather than products) and responsibility towards the environment (rather than business), and this took a bigger attention after the wheel of innovation slowed down where most of the […]
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