Planet of the aches!

People moving

Almost everyone who is reading this post now is in pain (whether physical or emotional)! And the current life speed, style and conditions has driven almost everyone out of their dream life into a completely different zone, characterized by stress, pain and disappointment.. How true is this?

The Race Horse Effect

Race horse

Have you ever heard about race horses that kill themselves to win a race? Do you know that this happens on the race track, and in endurance races? Where horses keep running more than their hearts can take, until their hearts actually explode, then they unfortunately die … Why do horses do this? Simply because they see other horses run, and they don’t want to lose .. Horses don’t quit, and are born to run, run and run .. They run for joy, they run when in fear, and they run to survive ..

Almost all of us are imitating horses in this fact .. we run, run, run, but the difference is that we don’t know, in the majority of cases, why are we running .. Horses run because in the food chain, they are considered prey and not predators, while the amazing fact is that human beings run although they are supposed to be the predating creatures .. The ugly fact is that we made ourselves prey to our fears, to our virtual enemies and to unknown circumstances that we can witness through our lives .. We run, until our hearts explode ..

Broken hearts

Heart break

Haven’t we all got used to broken hearts? Daily disappointments? .. We actually see this everyday, and we get surprised today if we see people with true values of honesty, integrity, and feelings .. It seems we got used to running, and we forgot that we have brake pedals that we can use to stop ..

Stop? What?! Why stop? Everyone is running, why should I stop?

People are running today like race horses, getting over their pains in order to simply keep running .. there is no value for stopping or even slowing down .. the problem is we are running, we step on so many important people and things in our lives .. We run so fast that we crush emotions, run over the closest people in our lives and miss the opportunity to have a laugh with a friend, stand next to a dear person, or even sometimes divert our course a bit to help those in need .. We got used to forgetting that there is a heart inside our bodies .. we somehow took it off!

Focusing on Survival


Today, almost everyone is focusing on surviving .. no matter what the cost is .. As much as it is a natural instinct in human beings, aren’t we overdoing it a bit?

Whenever we meet a friend (coincidentally of course), we always excuse them (and they also excuse us) for not being there when we needed them, giving excuse for how life is “dragging” all of us today, and without trying to put a plan to stop this drag! We now take it for fact that life is moving fast, and we “have to run”, without questioning the actual purpose of running..

So shall we just slow down and leave our ambitions? ….. Who said so?! What I am trying to say is make time for running and time for stopping! Have you ever seen a machine that operates 24/7? A car that is on day and night non stop? A horse that runs races non-stop? If machines, made of steel, could not run non-stop, so why do we? Why did we turn our selves into robots?


“We get used to things because we are trained to perform them, rather than because we would love to do so” .. if you challenge this statement, look at someone whom you consider a “friend” at work .. how you treat them, then compare this to when this “friend” left your workplace, or left the country .. Do you still look after them, call them every week or pay them a visit? I would assume that the majority of responses will be “No”!

Running and the love of speed, and the search for “more” made us worse than robots.. at least robots are programmed to perform when we expect them to perform, while we use the human ability to forget in “deleting” memories about great people we knew in our lives.. We delete, without being instructed or expected to delete … isn’t that worse than robots?


What a true statement that explains how life is today .. While the majority of people in life are running out of fear, very few are pausing to enjoy and prioritize what is important in their lives ..

While machines are being equipped with artificial intelligence, people are getting “artificial stupidity” installed, ignoring, or trying to ignore, that no matter how fast you run, you will have to stop one day; however, when you stop and try to look back, you won’t be able to see, or feel all what you have missed while running ..

Use your brain to think, your heart to feel, install more emotions and try not to forget ..

Written by:

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Dr. Tamer F. Elewa

Engagement Expert, International Speaker & Pragmatic researcher

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