As long as history recorded, fasting has been a consistent practice that was performed by all our prophets, from Abraham to Moses, Jesus and Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon them all. Every year people across the world practice fasting, but probably the majority miss the opportunity to reflect on the practice and learn some […]

Archive for the
‘Leadership’ Category
Do you still keep your old photos? Remember those old days when we used to wait for days for the photos to be developed? How much we cherished our memories despite the limited amount of photos we used to take? Do you still have those old pictures? That vintage album that keeps years and years […]
When was the last time you felt fed up with life challenges, betrayal, tumbling and falling down, weak and tired from fighting your life through? Have you looked to the sky and cried? Were you out of options and felt no way out? .. Here are some thoughts that will help you through every time […]
Lost your job? Afraid to lose it? Scared of losing your biggest business deal? Worried about life? Thinking too much of tomorrow and don’t know if you will be able to live the life you dream of? ……………. Welcome to the CLIFF! One of the components of our lives will always remain “Ambiguity” .. No […]
Day after day the world is getting crazier, and a new virus has spread widely around the world causing stereotyping, discrimination and prejudging .. Almost every day we have to step into unexpected courts having to explain or defend an unnecessarily opened case .. isn’t that what describes life today? Why are people becoming so […]
With all the available academic and pragmatic research around business leadership, nature remains a great contributor to shaping up the business leadership personality and those who are able to critically reflect on animal behavior, are likely to learn behavioral traits that no other academic source can provide. Here are the top 5 traits I have […]
“The past is never where you think you left it.” Katherine Anne Porter If you go back in time, what’s one decision that you will change? … What’s one mistake in life that you still regret till today? Do you have a period in life that you wish to delete? What’s your biggest regret […]
Grab your phone now, open your selfie camera, or simply look into the nearest mirror … do you see yourself? …. look deeper, do you recognize who you are? … take some more time to think, are you the person you wanted to be? … Do you recognize yourself from deep inside? I once raised […]
Having spent a great portion of my life learning, reading and reviewing several leadership models, I have seen a great deal of students being obsessed by well-designed leadership models and theories like situational leadership, transformational leadership, inclusive leadership.. and so on. Despite those models and theories are well designed to tell leaders what to do […]
Have you ever asked yourself the question of “Why” you do things? Why did you go to school? Why did you study your specific major at the university? Why do you work? Why did you marry someone? Why did you abandon a friend? ..etc, and so many “Why’s” in our lives that we forget, or […]
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