Struggling with change? Having difficulties changing your corporate culture? Challenges with sustaining momentum on new behaviors you, or your team, are trying to adopt? Try this amazing device called the “Shredder” and it shall get you through .. Burn the boats! It was common in the old days that leaders, especially the Greek, used to […]

Archive for the
‘Happiness’ Category
Are you in the middle of making a decision and feel confused? Have you recently joined the wrong organization and feel hesitant about your career? Are you fed up with something, or someone and not sure which decision to make? .. Take care of the whirlpool, and this blog post is for you .. The […]
What is left to guarantee in life? Do you still have true friends? Ones that you guarantee will stay next to you in good and bad? Where has friendship gone? and why have relationships became so superficial? Shall we blame technology or we were actually ready for technology to ruin what was left of relationships? […]
One of the skills we all need to master today is plumbing! Have you ever thought of the number of “blocks” we have in our lives? Have you ever wondered who creates those blocks? Did it come to your mind that the majority of blocks in people lives are actually created by people themselves .. […]
When was the last time you felt fed up with life challenges, betrayal, tumbling and falling down, weak and tired from fighting your life through? Have you looked to the sky and cried? Were you out of options and felt no way out? .. Here are some thoughts that will help you through every time […]
Lost your job? Afraid to lose it? Scared of losing your biggest business deal? Worried about life? Thinking too much of tomorrow and don’t know if you will be able to live the life you dream of? ……………. Welcome to the CLIFF! One of the components of our lives will always remain “Ambiguity” .. No […]
Shopping shopping shopping … isn’t that what everyone is involved in every day? Whether you are working or self employed, you are after selling something to someone in exchange for value at the end of the day right? Is there anything for free in life? What we fail to realize, or usually forget, is that […]
One of the most important facts in life that we usually ignore most of the time is that it ends … and it ends suddenly without proper preparation to the majority of people on earth. No one in history has been able to escape this fact and no one in the future will. One question […]
Grab your phone now, open your selfie camera, or simply look into the nearest mirror … do you see yourself? …. look deeper, do you recognize who you are? … take some more time to think, are you the person you wanted to be? … Do you recognize yourself from deep inside? I once raised […]
“Happiness is the ultimate end and purpose of Human existence” (Aristotle). Since the 1990s, the science of human engagement and happiness started taking a sharp turn, from being a theoretical psychology science into a pragmatic organizational performance science. We have seen a huge rise of jobs under “Engagement” titles (Engagement officers, …etc) and lately the […]
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