With many of people, as well as organizations struggling today with life, facing huge demands right, left, up and down… It is important for people to remember little wisdom that have great impacts … Those little things that we used to talk about, but never thought deep about .. The games we used to play […]

Archive for the
‘Life’ Category
Struggling with change? Having difficulties changing your corporate culture? Challenges with sustaining momentum on new behaviors you, or your team, are trying to adopt? Try this amazing device called the “Shredder” and it shall get you through .. Burn the boats! It was common in the old days that leaders, especially the Greek, used to […]
Are you in the middle of making a decision and feel confused? Have you recently joined the wrong organization and feel hesitant about your career? Are you fed up with something, or someone and not sure which decision to make? .. Take care of the whirlpool, and this blog post is for you .. The […]
Have you ever wondered who will remember if you disappear? Who will check on you if you simply withdraw or get withdrawn voluntarily or involuntarily? It’s a very exciting trial that will reveal the real world to you, and also help you focus on priorities .. Few years back, I have performed a social experiment, […]
Almost everyone who is reading this post now is in pain (whether physical or emotional)! And the current life speed, style and conditions has driven almost everyone out of their dream life into a completely different zone, characterized by stress, pain and disappointment.. How true is this? The Race Horse Effect Have you ever heard […]
One of the top priorities of leaders today is how to build high performance teams and most importantly, how to keep them going and sustain that team spirit. While there are well researched team building theories, leaders until today fail to construct sustainable high performing teams .. Why? .. Let’s review some of the most […]
While life is squeezing everyone of us everyday, with new challenges to face and many question marks left without answers, it is important for us to learn how to survive crisis and how to keep jumping hurdles, even when we don’t have enough power to move .. A very challenging equation indeed .. While coaching […]
What is left to guarantee in life? Do you still have true friends? Ones that you guarantee will stay next to you in good and bad? Where has friendship gone? and why have relationships became so superficial? Shall we blame technology or we were actually ready for technology to ruin what was left of relationships? […]
One of the skills we all need to master today is plumbing! Have you ever thought of the number of “blocks” we have in our lives? Have you ever wondered who creates those blocks? Did it come to your mind that the majority of blocks in people lives are actually created by people themselves .. […]
During turbulent times, many individuals as well as organizations seek change .. a lot of effort is being made by so many people to find new opportunities, new solutions and new ways of doing things; however, only few individuals and few organizations actually manage to create the needed change and pass through the bottle […]
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