With all the great theories of leadership developed across the years, the majority of them explained leadership from either the dimension of skills, or the dimension of behavior.. And some tried to mix both and develop the will-skill matrix .. But have we thought about leadership before from an ideological dimension? In the world of […]

Archive for the
‘Economy’ Category
At the beginning of every year, the majority of people try to set new year’s resolutions aiming to do something bigger the following year, or get better at something specific, or in general achieve something greater in life. The biggest challenge with this is that a great number of people set unrealistic goals and they […]
Over the past 3 years, the automotive industry has been facing a huge decline in sales, with figures ranging from 20 to 25% decline in demand year over year .. While the majority of automotive professional relate this to the global economic downturn, the automotive industry, in specific, is facing a much wider challenge .. […]
The majority of business managers today are struggling with figures … sales are not well achieved, investments are not flowing as expected and customers are more careful about spending their money .. In a nutshell, it is the era of business turbulence and a new business equation is being formulated .. If anyone claims that […]
Have you ever wondered why some business fail while others succeed? Why do some leaders leave a legacy and others don’t? Here are the top 3 pitfalls that can destroy any business, no matter how successful they might be at the beginning .. 1. Arrogance “Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.” American Proverb This […]
The Bitcoin race.. myths and reality https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bitcoin-race-myths-reality-dr-tamer-f-elewa Almost every day I hear about people who are investing, or interested to invest in the new financial fashion, Bitcoin. I wanted to draw a logical discussion into the topic and here are some solid facts to consider: 1. Fact 1: Is it really a currency? The definition […]
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