Looking for friends? True relationships? True values? ..Tired of searching for genuine feelings and true people you can cherish in today’s material world? ..Stop the search and focus on your within .. Great surprises are on the way! The happiness equation One of the most popular jobs expected to rise in the future is the […]

Archive for the
‘Education’ Category
With all the great theories of leadership developed across the years, the majority of them explained leadership from either the dimension of skills, or the dimension of behavior.. And some tried to mix both and develop the will-skill matrix .. But have we thought about leadership before from an ideological dimension? In the world of […]
Do you feel that no one can understand you in today’s world? You feel odd among a large number of people moving in one direction? You just feel different and don’t know why? Tired of explaining yourself to others who don’t see what you see? Just smile .. people are not meant to believe or […]
At the beginning of every year, the majority of people try to set new year’s resolutions aiming to do something bigger the following year, or get better at something specific, or in general achieve something greater in life. The biggest challenge with this is that a great number of people set unrealistic goals and they […]
Are we growing innovation through the current education systems? Are our children more innovative than our grandparents? Are new educational systems and curriculum helping students boost their innovation skills? Why aren’t we seeing more Einsteins? Graham Bells? Is it because of research budgets? Is innovation changing faces? or is it our own approach towards innovating? […]
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